Einlass 18:30, Eintritt frei (gerne Spenden)
Die Spaziergängerkonzerte laufen wieder! Künftig gibt es wieder sonntags um 18:00 Überraschungsbands, die aus dem Fenster für unsere Zaungäste spielen.
Zusätzlich haben wir das Format erweitert auf „Spaziergängerfestivals“ auf dem Dachgarten. Dort spielen dann an Freitagen und Samstagen mehrere Bands. Der Zugang zum Dachgarten ist bis zur aktuell erlaubten Menge an Zuschauern offen. Alle anderen können um das KAP94 den Klängen lauschen. Bitte achtet auf den Abstand und die aktuellen Hygieneregeln.
is an instrumental heavy psychedelic stoner rock band formed in 2018 in Ingolstadt, Germany. The music style contains heavy fuzz driven analog sounds with mixtures of various spaced out psychedelic guitar harmonics, deep powerful bass sections and combined with loud rhythmic classic rock orientated drum grooves. The Hazeshuttle sound is inspired by old and new psychedelic rock bands, full volume levels and a whole load of space.
Planetgrinder combines Heavy Rock, a portion of some good old Blues and a scent of Grunge to drift into progressive realms.
Hypnotic floating lines leading to monster riffs culminate into exploding guitar solos. Powerful drums paired with
forceful growling basses and intense and catchy vocals make Planetgrinder a real heavy hitter of Stoner Rock.
We are an instrumental Stonerrock/Doom trio from Bavaria, and love our music loud, raw and heavy, with a combination of tasty doom riffs and trippy sounds.
2017, the foundations were laid with jams, established in the following years with some gigs, before being fucked by Covid in 2020. Now slowly but surely back on track to deliver our sound directly to your ears.
Enter the haze…
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